Saturday, July 27, 2019

MeToo! - The Inevitable Lesson of Al Franken and Mob Pressure

I never cared much for Al Franken, not even on SNL.  But he never should have resigned from the Senate.
 Never mind he was elected on the fortuitous discovery of Ballots found misplaced in the trunk of an election officials car, he still was the sworn representative of the people.
I don't know of any charges against Franken while he was a candidate or Senator, do you?

While his comedy stuff was amusing, in a guilty giggle sort of way,  it was demeaning also.  You never knew how to react to a Stuart Smalley skit. On one hand you knew he was making fun of Stuart and self-help motivation.  On the other hand, you got the feeling that there was an element of Franken himself in the perfomance.  It wasn't over the top because it was based on the Human Condition,  but you can get the idea that it would not be acceptable under today's Political Correctness.

But worse was the concept in his other SNL scripting that often dealt with schoolboy attitudes towards Sex, Rape and Sluttiness as comedy.  The shot of him fake groping Leann Tweeden only served as the tipping point in forcing him to make a drastic move.

Because he should have apologized but not resigned his position - what really matters is his behavior as an Elected and Public Official.  It's sad that he suffered the same result as the execrable John Conyers Jr who really was a sexist POS.

Worse is the current reaction of Hollyweird celebs Slut-Shaming Tweeden .. just to defend Franken. Same ones who think Roman Polanski deserves to 'come back'.

Bette Midler just destroyed the entire #MeToo movement in a desperate effort to protect Al Franken

Absolutely Amazing..  No end to political based Pretzel Logic to defend their Virtue Signaling LifeViews
Now let's think about Kavanaugh and Trump.  Yeah the rules are different but they shouldn't be in the 'Church of What's Happening Now'.

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