Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Not Really.. 'Trump Met with Russian NRA infiltrating Spy in Oval Office!'

Updates: And they should come up top. 
Daily Caller has a good story on this case.  She seems legit, as a Russian Op, that is.  Though I wonder if you get the impression I do.. that they aren't exactly bright? 
Is the NRA really the special interest group they were going to infiltrate?
Where did they get the idea they could 'influence' any Russian Interest there...
From Democrat anti-gun idiots?
Crack Investigative journalist, Emily Singer, was doing deep trace on Maria Butina, recently revealed as Russian Spy / Operative.  So naturally she started with the NYT.  

There's she was in background of a photo of Russian Delegation visiting Trump on an official greet.

What a SCOOP!  
Isn't that how everyone brings their spies in country? (Note:  Allahpundit is definitely not a Trump supporter)

Seriously, Butina certainly set up her cover well, years ago, as the founder of a Russian Gun Rights group.  If it is a cover, and it may well be.  And legit or not, OF COURSE she's gonna meet with someone in the NRA.
However if any of you ever watched a spy movie - Likely written by a Progressive - you know that any Russian National roaming the globe freely is probably going to have a connection to a highly placed official in the Kremlin.
If DOJ wants to look, they can drag in most anyone.  Why not start at Brighton Beach.. LOTS of low-hanging fruit there.

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Outrage overload

No, wait.. this time I'm REALLY back.

After a REAL long hiatus, where I thought Facebook, and an occasional rant on a Soccer site would do, my interest in political commentary has been renewed by the fact that the 'Deplorable Yokel Racist, Sexist, homophobic flyovers' finally got fed up with the precious Snowflake touchy feely craptastic Social Justice Warriors of the Left and voted to  'Drain the Swamp'.
Well, that aint gonna happen.  You know it, I know it... and most everyone complaining about Trump knows it. But it's just so much fun watching these intellectually inbred babies cry when someone borrows their rattle.

Just to refresh you on my political views. Trumps a narcissistic jerk and he mouths off for effect.  But the people who voted for him deserve their day .. they attended Tea Party rallies. Elected people who mostly turned their back on them, once they got in the Georgetown Cocktail Party crowd.
They got even!

Active Duty Marine calls out Trump on his Twitter style.

“A statement by the president, on Twitter or otherwise, must carry with it the authority and legitimacy of the Office of the President.”
-- Sorry, Captain; you being a Naval Academy grad and all, while I'm just a pore dum farmboy, but I'm gonna have to go ahead and call 'Bullsh*t'.
- If Trump posted AS POTUS, you MIGHT have a point. He doesn't.
- If this was true, it would open up a whopping Pandora's Box which would have global diplomacy / officialdom in a constant turmoil of litigation and review.
- Probably a good thing Marines have 'ordered you to attend Law School' Maybe you'll learn something about the lasting authority of international arbitive courts.
Which is to say almost none! ESPECIALLY the court you used as precedent.

The True Power of Trump's Tweets

Brennan goes ape about Trump.. look in the mirror putz!

As to Trump's gladhanding Putin... No idea. The words sure don't match the actions he has taken against Russia. But those were 'yesterday'.

Why is it that John Brennan, a guy who voted Communist in 1976, joined CIA in 1980 (Carter), became head of intelligence services under Obama, spied on domestic press in 2012. Advised Obama to do nothing about Russia in 2016, now wants someone to try Trump for Treason because Putin?

Hell Brennan wants to be Putin!

Read the whole thing. It's NOT 'tin foil hat' stuff, it's a matter of record.

Trump Putin Presser Reactions Go Full Hair on Fire