Monday, November 26, 2012

Alinsky's 5th

Educated to a higher form of stupid...
"In the wake of the election, I’ve heard five Obama supporters — all of whom also voted for all the California Democrats and for all the California taxes — complain that their taxes are going up next year. The cognitive dissonance is almost painful. All of them consistently embrace big spending — and, therefore Obama and his fellow Democrats — because they’ve been trained to believe that the spending on welfare, entitlements, and “select” businesses is a “good thing.”

Too much education makes people economically dumb

Read it all

Sunday, November 11, 2012

"Screw you Losers! I'm going with the In Crowd"

Wanna switch teams and join the winners; want something more than Alinsky and Marcuse quotes? 
Here's a full reading list of everything you need to fit right in at your Occupy Wall Street rally.  Or state union convention Meet 'n' Greet cocktail party, for that matter. 

In no time at all you'll be spieling off the Narrative like a Masters Degree in Poli-Sci.

AoSHQ - Progressive Revolutionary Progress

 After Tuesday's shocking and disappointing results, I decided I'd had enough. Enough of the crappy leadership, enough of the faux conservative, sub-optimal (heh) candidates, and above all, enough of the continual losing, where every defeat is costly and every victory inconsequential.  Away with all that!

I now say, if you can't beat 'em, join 'em. So I did. I'm now a out-and-proud (heh) member of the progressive left, and I fart in your general direction, you slack-jawed yokels.
So, what do I read now?......

Go ahead.. you aren't all that far behind those who've been indoctrinated for years because you already know the Rethuglican weak points, so it's like a running start.

Also handy for those who have the stomach to infiltrate and subvert from within.  After all.. they got Trump to do it and he's a political idiot.

Now though I thought about it, and lord knows at my age it's in my own self interest, but I'm old, got digestive problems and who knows how much my blood pressure could take.
 So go on, leave me behind for the coyote and vultures. Never could handle listening to idiots' wisdom.

Tuesday, November 06, 2012

Why I despise Lib Media... essay on NYT, Useful Idiots and Olympia Snowe

In homage to Maine Senator Olympia Snowe retiring, NYT comes out with one of the most biased anti-common sense overviews of political 'civility' they've attempted yet.
- The blatherings of Paul Krugman and Frank Rich, possibly excepted.

Desperate for Civility

You dont have to get past the very first of it to find fault:

Senator Olympia Snowe, for one, is ending her 34 years on Capitol Hill by becoming a board member of the National Institute for Civil Discourse, a nonpartisan advocacy group founded after the Arizona shooting last year that killed six people and gravely wounded Representative Gabrielle Giffords.
 In case you don't already form an inference, the context of the entire article will be wrapped around the 'lack of cooperation' from Republicans and Conservatives.
And yet, almost ALL the slander and name-calling around the Giffords shooting came from the left and the leftist press.  Especially blaming Sarah Palin and the shadowy 'Tea Party'.
It turned out, of course, that the shooter had no political ties or agenda other than having formed a hatred of authority. He probably didn't even know anything about Palin or the Tea Party. In short, he was a nutjob.

Her {Snowe's} career goes back long before House Republicans disdained all attempts at bipartisanship as weakness, and before the Senate minority leader, Mitch McConnell, made the filibuster his cudgel and announced that his top priority was to make Barack Obama a one-term president.
And of course it goes back before the Democrats took over Congress  in 2006 and Pelosi bragged about 'hitting the ground running' yet did absolutely NOTHING in their first 120 days. To the NYT, that is not obstructionist, of course.

 Nor do they mention that the Tea Party wasn't even around back then, or that the new minority of old GOP hacks was far more tractable than before the Tea Party sent the message. Evidence?  Try 'Gang of 14'; which included Snowe and Collins and esp McCain, Lindsay Graham.. and Mike Dewine.  Without benefit of Tea Party scheming or anti-Dewine campaign, we Ohio Republicans not-voted Dewine out. Sherrod Brown is the result, my miscalculation.. but I wanted to send a little message.  The Nuclear Option, when examined was an attempt to re-formulate a political principle on filibustered confirmation votes.. not bring the country down.
- If the idea sticks in your liberal craw, does the likelihood of GOP filibustering an Obama appointment bother you? What's the difference, other than who is in power?

Indeed you won't find ANY criticism of Harry Reid, who has made Obstruction an art form.
Speaking of Reid.. let's address the mention of Michell McConnell, above:
What does the writer call this?

Salt Lake City Tribune: Harry Reid says working with a President Romney is 'laughable' 

Maybe the good lady Snowe should speak to him. 

I didn't just start paying attention yesterday.. Maine has produced a remarkable Lady-Senator-Statesman but it certainly was not Olympia Snowe.

She {Margaret Chase Smith} said McCarthyism had "debased" the Senate to "the level of a forum of hate and character assassination."[3] She defended every American's "right to criticize...right to hold unpopular beliefs...right to protest; the right of independent thought."[21] While acknowledging her desire for Republicans' political success, she said, "I don't want to see the Republican Party ride to political victory on the four horseman of calumny -- fear, ignorance, bigotry, and smear."
I agree one hundred percent with Sen Smith's statements.  I reserve the right to voice my own beliefs. And I agree that the worst outcome of Senate hearings ever was the attempt to quiet and blacklist Communists in the US. 
The result being what we see today... an agenda of authoritarian central planning and economic control concealed in the cloak of Progressivism and the Democratic Party.
Snowe's attempts at 'Civility' will be a one-way effort in outcome.  'Moderation' to Leftists means 'do it our way'. 
Need proof?  Their spoken views on Romney before he ran for president vs after he was endorsed by Tea Party.

In Summary:
The tone of political discourse today is not all that much different than it has been in the past.   That doesn't mean we should put up with it.  But on the other hand, don't throw stones or let others do it and applaud, while your own followers and propagandists commit worse.

Saturday, November 03, 2012


The term 'Oh, Snap!' has been replaced in the current media by the word 'Unexpectedly'. You'll see it whenever the event does not fit the forecast narrative.  This post will be updated for several days, and from the top.
Eurocrats strike over David Cameron's call to cut EU salaries

As Glenn Reynolds says:  "How will anyone tell?" 


{ Especially considering CNBC touted 'economic improvement' as helping re-elect Obama..}
CNBC:Why US Economy May Be Headed for Another Recession

Umm.. because we never really got out of the first one?


Stock Market continues fall for second day..

The markets took heavy losses for a second day in a row Thursday in a broad-based retreat late in the session. Every major sector closed to the downside.

John Kerry invites derision..
Twitter has become the great democratizer of the internet.  Kerry, among others, has found this out:
was surprised to run into Mitt this afternoon in Sylvania, OH
 Which lead to...
Said the life of no party, ever.
Is that Ted Kennedy's shot-glass in your avi? 
This coming from Herman Monster. 
And many more..
And, of course, there's the rapidly viral soon to be recognized as the  Comedy Channel for The Right, except funnier.
Here's a great collection of hijack tweets from Barack Obama's Tleg for props..

Givers: Snarky conservatives delight in saying ‘nice things’ about Obama

Of course, this can't last.  Twitter may go to a two tier system. One for the elite, anther for the plebes.


Many reports coming in about touch screen voting machines checking for Obama when Romney zone is tapped.

Voting machines in Ohio, NC, Nev. switching Romney votes to votes for Obama

I suspect something MIGHT be fishy because last election cycle the lefties accused the GOP of rigging the machines. Unknown if the opposite happens, if it doesnt happen when Obama is touched... probably just dumb luck, right?

Of course, it is.. or part of a Nefarious Right Wing Plan


FEMA has no water to give out. Or much else, either. 
In contrast to its stated policy, FEMA failed to have any meaningful supplies of bottled water -- or any other supplies, for that matter -- stored in nearby facilities as it had proclaimed it would on its website. This was the case despite several days advance warning of the impending storm.
Reorganized, since they failed so badly in Katrina, with a War Room and Quick Reaction Force.. they are doing all that's humanly possible, I'm sure.


Geezers refuse to leave work force or die, take all the jobs created since 09.. {statistically, of course}

America's Geriatric Work F(a)rce

"...of the 3.3 million jobs "created" (updated for October's data), a gasp-inducing 3.8 million has gone to workers aged 55 and over, or the one cohort that according to conventional wisdom is retiring, and actively leaving the workforce. How can America's elderly workers account for more than the total? Simple: workers in the young (16-19) and prime (25-54) cohorts have cumulatively lost a whopping 1.3 million, with just the 25-54 age group losing 842,000 jobs (don't believe us: spot check it right here courtesy of the Fed). "

WaPo thinks there may be something fishy in the goings-on  about Benghazi..
"NEWS REPORTING about the Sept. 11 assault on the U.S. mission in Benghazi, Libya, has moved from the political and mostly pointless issue of when the Obama administration had publicly acknowledged that a terrorist attack had taken place to more essential questions: "
Of course, lying to the American people to cover someone's ass is mostly pointless.  That's why Nixon wasn't impeached or forced out over that 18 minutes of silence on the Oval Office tapes. Hmmm.. what was the body count from Watergate, again?

Expectedly, the poor schmuck who made a video no one watched and didnt have a thing to do with Benghazi is still in jail.

Another reason I'm a's only decimal points right?

Because I'm an engineer AND I use common sense...

Get this:  Taking full advantage of Sandy, some guy with a Decimal Disorder, who has signed on to the Manmade global warming religion has laid out for you why we are all in deep danger:

How a Warm Earth fueled Hurricane Sandy


Well, since hurricanes start from ocean surface v atmosphere heat, that's about all the 'real facts' this guy has.  Let's start here:

The Atlantic ocean is five degrees warmer than is was when most of you were born.  Let that sink in for a minute.  The entire Atlantic ocean averages five degrees warmer.

NO.. it does NOT!  I wonder how he determines average reader age, but the point is that the Sea Surface Temperature  is Point Five degrees C, that's 0.5, warmer.

And THEN he claims:

The math behind climate change is simple. Roughly 1/4 of one percent of the atmosphere is composed of gases that  trap energy from the sun.  Carbon released for power and transport has altered that and we are now racing toward 1/2 of one percent doing the same job. The earth is warming.
Which he handily illustrates by putting up a chart showing the atmosphere is 99.95 % NON-Greenhouse.  I guess that excludes water vapor, which is far more effective as a 'heat trapper' than CO2 could ever be.  Whatever. that looks to me like .05% might be greenhouse.  One half of one percent would be .5%  We learned that in grade school, right?  Of course he missed that day  but evidently got the 'Social Science' 

But this takes the Grand Prize Dunce Cap:

This ever-so-slight thickening of the atmosphere alters the balance of energy absorbed and released by the planet.  The process is analogous to the gears in a car.  Rev your engine to 5000 RPM in "Park" and you'll run out of gas as quickly as someone racing around a track with their tachometer in the same spot.  We haven't changed how much energy is being introduced to the system, we've changed how the system is dealing with that energy.
Un-be-freakin-leivable!  Thickening?  Uses same amount of gas just revving as when it's doing work?  ANY car guy or person who has studied high school physics knows better!

This is why I am so damned patronizing to idiots who fall all over themselves trumpeting doom and gloom.
The whole damned article is a lie..  doubtless unintentional, by an idiot who knows nothing but what he wants to believe.. but a lie, nonetheless.

And btw.. when he is shamed and humiliated into dumping this crap into the memory hole, there's gonna be a record of it lots of places including my PC.

Thursday, November 01, 2012

SillySeason: Hey Pols! You don't want to Stiff Hookers!

Especially Latin/ Hispanic ones.  Ah.. finally something to grin about.

The BIG ISSUE here is not hookers or a cheapskate politician, or this Senate Race. It's in the specific political connections that set it up.

Drudge hinted and then other sites released a story on NJ Sen Menendez having contracted with a couple hookers in the Dominican Republic for their services at $500, then only paying them $100 each.
Daily Caller

In interviews, the two women said they met Menendez around Easter at Casa de Campo, an expensive 7,000 acre resort in the Dominican Republic. They claimed Menendez agreed to pay them $500 for sex acts, but in the end they each received only $100.
The women spoke through a translator in the company of their attorney, Melanio Figueroa. Both asked that their identities remain obscured for fear of reprisals in the Dominican Republic.
When shown a photograph of Sen. Menendez, the women said they recognized him as the man with whom they’d had sexual relations at Casa de Campo this spring. Both said they were brought to the resort with the understanding they would be paid for sex.
Neither knew the identity of the man at the time. Both claimed to recognize him later as Sen. Menendez.
But in the Telegraph (UK), the writer thinks it's a cheesy and desperate  political ploy.

The timely release of this scandal has a whiff of desperation about it. Perhaps reconciling themselves to defeat by Obama, the conservative alternative press is seeking new targets in the Senate. The Daily Caller has dug up flight records that suggest Menendez did visit the Dominican Republic when the ladies say he did. It's a scoop, but no better that going through trash cans to find dirt on an unsuspecting d-list celebrity. Menendez is divorced, so there's no Peyton Place hypocrisy to expose here. Dare I say it, but if he's guilty then he's only hurt himself and the woman he allegedly underpaid.

This really makes no sense at any level.  Let's assume it's true or parts of it are true; not a great stretch of credulity..

Campaign issue:  This is New Jersey, we're talking about.  Not Alabama Mississippi or Utah. 
NJ voters are seasoned at hearing scandals of all sorts. No one in their right minds would expect this  to make more than a one point difference in the voting.. at least not from the illicit sex angle.   The only way that would happen would be for all the facts to come out and then, approach it from a wholly different paradigm.
So why bother?
And why, when all the surrounding facts suggest Menendez is accustomed to VIP treatment, did this come out in the first place?
- This is a posh resort. Who was it did the procuring and why did the hookers show up without defacto guarantees of payment?   Are they street hookers, not from an agency or service normally ised to supply talent?  If so, why?
- The hookers had the nerve to engage an attorney, but the attorney didn't deal with the first contact or resort people, first? 

So why did these women come forward? I see no way they will be able to get the big payoff by going public.  They are trying to maintain their anonymity, so that rules out big appearance money.
Their identities ARE going to come out.  Which will result in their being blacklisted from any 'job assignments' requiring silence. Which I expect all of them will.  No, professional aliases wont work.

In the final analysis this is just for satisfaction of grievance.

It points out Menendez is a cheap SOB.  And doesnt mind cheating the 'little people' in small business.  Not unexpected, given so many past cases of Dems stiffing campaign event caterers and venues.
It's too late for all that to come out.

Nope.. the real issue is that everything about it smacks of unprofessional attitude all around... 
Why was all this facilitated by a DR resident and big Menendez Campaign contributor who has clinics / offices in Florida?
What's that guy getting from being a 'Friend of Jersey Bob'
There's the big stink coming.. if it comes.