Monday, September 03, 2018

What if Martin Luther was Molested as an Altar Boy?

Some loosely related things for believers to think about, that might help explain stuff.

Let's enter a whole world of reasonable conjecture. Not Tin-Foil hat stuff but actually reasonable to assume, based on history of the Church and biblical teachings.
Dark humor jokes about pedophile priests are centuries old and anyone who's read early literature has run across them. The 'Borgia Popes' dynasty is just a gray element in the annals of Rome. Just not talked about.
We all know Luther was no angel, himself.  He had his own sins to answer for. What doi we know about molested kids, as adults?

Remember when Jesus said to Peter, "Upon this Rock (petra) I build my church". In context that was not just a pun but Irony as well. Peter had just denied knowing Jesus three times.

Remember when Satan took Jesus to the wilderness and offered him the world?  And he refused. Some of us reason that Satan did the same to an Arab shepherd 600 hundred years later and that one accepted.
Suppose Satan took advantage of a poor Argentine Priest Novitiate some decades ago.  Of course that would require that the Dark Angel deceiver actually exists.  Has anyone read Francis' view on the existence of Satan as an entity?  Or is Evil just a construct of the dark side of human nature.
'All that is Of Man becomes corrupt.'
And the priest might have just taken it upon himself to correct the injustices of this world as well as the church's past where all sorts of evil was permitted by tacit support of the feudal system.

Why is it whenever I read anything about Francis, the term 'Pharisee' comes to mind?

Pope Sidesteps Allegations Of Massive Sex Abuse Cover-Up To Address Grave Issue – Plastic In The Ocean

Why does he concern himself so much with matters he knows nothing about and appointed Schnellhuber,  a climate Charlatan, to advise him.

Why does he 'revise' scripture with false allegories?

CAVEAT: This certainly does not reflect on the Catholic believer any more than the folks who used to send TV Evangelists their last dollar reflects on them, in God's eyes.  
They did not elect Francis as Pope. The Feudal Vatican system did.
Nor should anyone think that child abuse never happens in the Baptist world, for example.

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